About us
The Social Marketplace idea has been developed in the Netherlands by Movisie, KPMG, Fortis Foundation, a number of community organisations and selected Corporate Citizenship experts. The Bertelsmann Foundation has transferred the method to Germany over a period of five years. After the successful transfer of the method the Bertelsmann Foundation has asked the CSR-Network UPJ to offer a variety of services to disseminate and support the Marketplaces all over Germany.
In the following years, an advisory board consisting of Bertelsmann Foundation, KPMG, RWE and UPJ as a full service provider was accompanying the Marketplaces in Germany, providing information for contributing to the dissemination of robust partnerships for well-functioning communities worldwide.
The website of the marketplace method is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.
The Social Marketplace idea depends on the involvement of participants at local level; hence we are not able to offer financial support. However, you can benefit from the approved material on this website and you could contact the regional management of Bertelsmann, KPMG and RWE to offer them to join your Marketplace initiative showing this website. Otherwise, you can contact us and we will put you in touch with the relevant CSR-managers of these companies.